Package Design
Cat Hater Survival Kit
What would you make if you could team-up with anyone on anything? This question sparked a collaboration between Brand Strategist Melinda Livesey and Anthony Banks of Notist, to create something delightfully unexpected. A mutual love of dogs and Wes Anderson films formed the basis for what became the Feline Relocation Paraphernalia (aka ‘Cat Hater’) survival kit, a curated collection of objects and package design that tells a story, cracks a few smiles and raises some hackles.
Package Design

“When I was looking for potential collaborators, Anthony was the first that came to mind. His visual note-taking illustration style initially caught my eye as did his problem solving skills. I don’t believe we would have achieved the results we did—winning design awards and being published in an international magazine—if I were to have partnered with anyone else. Anthony’s ability to come up with unique solutions as well as execute is rare, and I look forward to future collaborations with him.”